
Freaky Friday Episode 4


Our first stop this week is in Germany, where stupid criminals go to a new height:

A burglar was caught after he left his finger at the crime scene and police found his prints in their database.

Michael Baumgartner, 31, was spotted breaking into a leisure centre in Hamburg, Germany.

He fled when police arrived but a ring on his index finger caught on a metal fence and ripped his finger off..

Police found the severed digit on the ground and used it to track down the thief.

But it was too late to reattach the finger despite surgery at a local hospital.

Sounds like he lost a finger for nothing on that one.

Now we head on up to Amsterdam, where some criminals met up with a little “divine intervention”

Two Dutch nuns, wearing habits and riding bikes, chased a suspected thief through Amsterdam, police said Monday.

On Saturday evening, one of the sisters believed she recognized a man walking past their chapel in southern Amsterdam as a thief who snatched hundreds of dollars in cash from the building two weeks earlier, Amsterdam police spokesman Rob van der Veen said.

She invited him inside for a drink and asked a fellow nun to alert police.

Sally Field – eat your heart out.

Next we hop over to New Zealand, where drivers have found a new loop hole on vehicle registrations:

Transport authorities promised swift action Friday after discovering some New Zealanders have listed their cars as hearses to cut their registration fees.

The scam came to light when a Christchurch woman told a local radio station she had paid just 58 New Zealand dollars ($36) to register her car, instead of the usual NZ$183 ($113), by registering it as a “noncommercial hearse” to carry dead animals.

The woman’s definition of carrying dead animals: taking frozen chickens home from the supermarket.

Other listeners then called in to say they had done the same, NewstalkZB station producer Lesley Murdoch said.

Some 1,500 vehicles are registered under the heading “noncommercial hearse/ambulance,” making them exempt from a number of official levies, according to Andy Knackstedt, spokesman for Land Transport New Zealand, the government body responsible for land transport funding.

Some people will stop at nothing to save a buck.

And finally, we head back to the good old U.S. and down into New Mexico, where people love to find new places to have sex:

A collapsed ceiling, a set of clothes and a naked 18-year-old man: three ingredients in a strange story at an Albuquerque elementary school.

School police say they arrested Samuel Flores outside Zia Elementary School late Tuesday night.

According to police, Flores was in a bathroom at the school with his girlfriend when they heard noises.

Flores panicked and ran out the door, police say, locking himself out of the school and away from his clothes.

Desperate, Flores climbed up to the roof and through a skylight to try to get his clothes back. The ceiling collapsed.

Flores was allowed back into the bathroom to get dressed and then got a complimentary trip to jail.

I think the biggest question would be “why the bathroom?” Your in a school with many places to choose from, so you pick a bathroom where a bunch of kids go and most likely miss. Some people have no couth.

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