
Happy 4th

I hope your day is better then it is here. We are getting rained on and there is talk of severe thunderstorms this afternoon with winds up to 50mph and 3/4 inch sized hail.

With the bad weather it is a good time to reflect upon our nation – where it was and where it is. I was thinking last night that 230 years ago our forefathers were in a great fight. They were fighting for a new idea and to remove an occupying force from our nation who we would no long recognize as our leaders.

Here we are less than 2 1/2 centuries later and we are now an occupying force in another nation with their citizens trying to get us out. What has happened to our once great nation?

One part of the Declaration of Independence that always comes to mind when I think about our current state of the union is this:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness

All men (and women) are created equal. It does not matter if you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, white, black, gay, lesbian, straight, etc. – we are all man or human kind. Our nation seems to have lost that core value. We are facing greater challenges today for man to be equal. We have a government that wants to stop gays and lesbians from marrying and a group of Republicans in the House of Representatives that has blocked the Voting Rights Act – one of the greatest pieces of legislation in our nation’s short history.

These are horrible events, but so is the current economic state of our union. Our Republican lead government is working hard to widen the gap between social and economic classes. No longer is America the “land of opportunity”. Recent studies have shown that people in Canada and even Great Britain, the nation we fought to dissolve our ties with, provide a greater opportunity to their lower class citizens than America.

We are also facing a time in which the Republicans that lead us wish to deny people their desires to come into our country. That is amazing that a nation built by immigrants would now fight to keep them out.

We do have hope however. In the coming months the election cycle will really kick into full drive and this November, we all have a chance to make a difference. We do not owe it only to ourselves to do this, but to those who fought and died 230 years ago to make this great nation. We owe it to America to put citizens in control of our government once again, who will treat America as the great gift she is and not rape and use her like the Republicans have.

Everyone please have a safe and happy holiday, for after today we have a long, rough road ahead. After today we start to fight to regain our independence as Americans and not as puppets of a controlling regime called the Republican Party. We fight once again to free ourselves from the reign of a King George. We have six months to do and we will be able to if we all put forth our best efforts.

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