
Lieberman/Lamont Debate

I been catching up on clips and what nots from it. It my opinion Lamont showed that he is truly concerned about his constituents and the Democratic Party while Joe is worried about only Joe. Here are some great run downs from around the blogosphere.

Matt Stoller is debunking the lies Lieberman told tonight during the debate.

Jane has a clip up of Joe doing a typical Republican style attack of Lamont as well as a great thread going on about the debate

PolticsTV has the video up of the debate

And this is a doozy from Ned Lamont’s Blog:

Senator Lieberman stormed out of the debate early, barely answering questions from the local media. He was hearing a lot about his anger during the debate and called it a day. Ned stuck around for questions for about 20 minutes. The result… Sean Smith, Senator Lieberman’s campaign manager, fielding questions from a single repoter and Ned swamped by the press.

That will win some hearts and minds Joe – the hearts and minds of people like Malkin (oh wait – he already won that).

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