
Old Joe Screwed The Pooch


Christy has a post up that says the DSCC will support whoever wins the primary in Connecticut:

Boltin’ Joe is waking up to some startling news this morning — guess all those call arounds to party elders didn’t go a smoothly as Lieberman tried to spin them yesterday. When you decide to try and game the political party system, you can’t expect the people who hold power in that political party to say , “Good on ya’!”, now can you?

CNN is reporting (video clip) that an anonymous Senior Staffer at the DSCC says that the DSCC will likely support the winner of the Connecticut primary.

Raw Story is also confirming this report:

In a serious blow to Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s (D-CT) reelection campaign, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is likely to back the winner of the Democratic primary in Connecticut, meaning that Lieberman may be left without national allies for campaign money.

A senior Democratic party official confirmed that the DSCC is unlikely to back Lieberman should he lose the primary to Ned Lamont, a more progressive contender in Connecticut who has garnered support from bloggers and has catalyzed his campaign around Lieberman’s aggressive position on Iraq.

“It is likely that the DSCC will back the winner of the Democratic primary in Connecticut,” the party official told RAW STORY, requesting anonymity because of the sensitivity of the race.

It is nice for the DSCC to finally come out and say they will listen to the Democrats in Connecticut and not just follow the doctrine of the “good ole’ boys club”. Lieberman’s latest actions could also have some play in this. His excuses for readying to run as an Independent are about as lame as his attempts to act like he isn’t a Bush follower:

Even though U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman is ready to run as a third party candidate if he loses the Democratic primary, he said it was his opponent who is harming the party.

“My loyalty to the Democratic Party goes back a lot further than his,” Lieberman said Wednesday during a meeting with the editorial board of The News-Times. “Ned Lamont is less about his party than himself and his point of view.”

Ned Lamont, a Greenwich businessman and a multi-millionarie, has made a stronger than expected challenge to Lieberman.

Lamont’s campaign was quick to criticize Lieberman’s party loyalty Monday after the three-term senator announced he would be gathering signatures to run as a petitioning candidate in November if he loses the Aug. 8 primary.

How can he talk about loyalty to the Democratic Party when he basically said he would not listen to the Democrats in his state when it comes to a primary? Lieberman proved this week, without a shadow of a doubt, that he is concerned only about himself. Lieberman knows his chances are diminishing fast to win from a Democrats vote so he needs to pull some votes from the Republicans.

Come on – this is a man who has been backed by Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, who does he think he is fooling? Voters of Connecticut – Lieberman is showing his true opinion of you – he is showing the he thinks you are a bunch of fools. Time to throw that back in his face and give Ned a big boost for the August primary. Here is the link to Lamont’s Act Blue page. Please give whatever you can.

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