
Turkey Ready To Enter Iraq


This is a very scary scenario and could result in the neo-cons getting their dream of World War 3:

Turkish officials signaled Tuesday they are prepared to send the army into northern Iraq if U.S. and Iraqi forces do not take steps to combat Turkish Kurdish guerrillas there – a move that could put Turkey on a collision course with the United States.

Turkey is facing increasing domestic pressure to act after 15 soldiers, police and guards were killed fighting the guerrillas in southeastern Turkey in the past week.

“The government is really in a bind,” said Seyfi Tashan, director of the Foreign Policy Institute at Bilkent University in Ankara. “On the one hand, they don’t want things to break down with the United States. On the other hand, the public is crying for action.”

This sounds very similar to what sparked off the recent Lebanon/Israel conflict. This is also very indicative of the failed policy in Iraq which Bush and his merry band of followers has been pushing.

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