
Are We the Minority? HELL NO!

So we are the extreme left wing of this country and out of touch with the “pulse of Americans”. We dislike George Bush and his debacle of a war in Iraq. We dare to question the leadership in our country and make our opposition heard. Are we truly the minority?

Republicans determined to win in November are up against a troublesome trend — growing opposition to President Bush.

An Associated Press-Ipsos poll conducted this week found the president’s approval rating has dropped to 33 percent, matching his low in May. His handling of nearly every issue, from the Iraq war to foreign policy, contributed to the president’s decline around the nation, even in the Republican-friendly South.

More sobering for the GOP are the number of voters who backed Bush in 2004 who are ready to vote Democratic in the fall’s congressional elections — 19 percent. These one-time Bush voters are more likely to be female, self-described moderates, low- to middle-income and from the Northeast and Midwest.

Two years after giving the Republican president another term, more than half of these voters — 57 percent — disapprove of the job Bush is doing.

“The signs now point to the most likely outcome of Democrats gaining control of the House,” said Robert Erikson, a Columbia University political science professor.

Actually, we are the majority. We have been accused of “politicizing” things like Iraq, but in fact we have just been pointing out serious concerns. The Republicans and the administration are the ones who have been doing all the politicking issues we object. They dismiss polls and public outcries as rhetoric. Well their ignorance to what America really wants will cost them dearly this fall.

Hey George – the times, they are a changin’!

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