
FFP: Failed Foreign Policy

I just read the following headline and rolled my eyes:

Bush wants UN resolution on Lebanon conflict fast

We are almost a month into this conflict and now Bush wants a resolution “fast”. What about our veto at the U.N. last month or our constant screwing around with the resolution so it says what the U.S. and Israel wants it to say? This resolution is sugar coated to appeal to Israel, yet not give anything to Lebanon.

President George W. Bush resisted a demand by Lebanon on Monday that Israeli troops immediately withdraw from southern Lebanon, saying it could create a vacuum and allow Hizbollah guerrillas to rearm.

Bush told reporters he wanted a U.N. Security Council resolution as quickly as possible calling for a cessation to hostilities in the nearly month-long conflict between Israel and Hizbollah guerrillas.

But he did not welcome a Lebanese demand that Israeli forces withdraw immediately from southern Lebanon.

“Whatever happens in the U.N., we must not create a vacuum into which Hizbollah and its sponsors are able to move more weapons,” Bush said.

At a news conference with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at his ranch, Bush also said he believed an international force to be created by a second U.N. resolution should patrol the Syrian border and stop the re-arming of Hizbollah.

Washington wants this resolution in days, not weeks.

Get that? We want it in “days, not weeks”. We wait until weeks to try that. We are being lead by the worst foreign policy in our nation’s history and it is no wonder why our country is less safe today then it was 6 years ago.

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