
Freak Friday Episode 5


Looks like faith is in the dumps and finding that faith can result in some nice rewards:

Electrician Michael Hoskins is not averse to browsing when he drops off trash at the Route 41 dump bin, and a recent visit rewarded his curiosity. Hoskins said he discovered a 188-year-old King James Bible. Now he’s fending off offers approaching $1,000 for the find.

“I go up there all the time to drop off my household trash, and there it was,” Hoskins told the Danville Register & Bee. “There were three or four boxes of books leaning up against the concrete wall behind the Dumpsters,” Hoskins said. “I found the Bible in four pieces, put them together and took it home.”

While otherwise intact, the Bible appeared to have fire damage and had watermarks on some of its inner pages. The sheepskin-covered book was printed in Pittsburgh in 1818 and, according to Hoskins’ research, is one of less than half dozen copies in existence.

“You can also see where it survived a fire at one time,” he said. “I was always told a Bible wouldn’t burn and have seen it before in other church and house fires.”

True the Vatican may want to see this Bible to make sure it concurs with the currently released version.

Here in Ohio, stupid criminals are commonplace. Here is one that really went out of the way to earn that title:

A bar waitress checking to see if a woman was legally old enough to drink was handed her own stolen driver’s license, which was reported missing weeks earlier, police said.

“The odds of this waitress recovering her own license defy calculation,” police Capt. Guy Turner said Monday.

Maria Bergan, 23, of Lakewood, was charged Sunday night with identity theft and receiving stolen property. She was arrested at her home in suburban Cleveland and was jailed in Westlake to await a court appearance.

The 22-year-old waitress, whose name was not released, called police last week and said she had been handed her own stolen driver’s license by a woman trying to prove she was 21. The woman, who became suspicious of the delay as the waitress went to call police, fled the Moosehead Saloon, but her companion provided her name.

I guess Maria should of ordered a big round of DOH’ for her supidities.

While on the talk of stupid criminals, how about these guys in Rome:

Two Italian prisoners released under a national pardon celebrated their freedom with such gusto in a bar that they were back inside within five hours after getting into a fight with police.

Freed from Macomer jail on the island of Sardinia under a nationwide pardon to relieve prison overcrowding, Massimiliano Formula, 32, and Raimondo Muntoni, 28, were arrested for punching police who asked to see their papers, police said.

They now await a new trial.

I guess the fear of freedom really got to these guys.

While still over in Europe, how much would you be willing to pay for a new bathroom?

A ramshackle public toilet could fetch 300,000 euros ($384,000) — the price of a new house — if politicians in western Ireland get their way.

The town of Lahinch reckons property-hungry buyers will snap up the dilapidated, out-of-order toilet because of its great location — a surfing beach on Ireland’s rugged Atlantic coast.

“You could leave the toilet block and be in the sea in less than 40 seconds,” local politician Martin Conway told Reuters, but admitted: “It’s quite remarkable that an old toilet block would fetch 300,000 euros.”

Nothing like listening to the surf while taking a dump in your $384,000 toilet.

And finally, much of the news this week has been on Fidel Castro. Now the news and government are not the only ones closely monitoring his health. It looks like the bookies have joined in on it too.

When will Fidel Castro die? If you want to, you can place your bets.

Since the Cuban president, one of the world’s longest-serving leaders, announced on Monday he was handing power to his brother Raul, online wagering operations have offered action on the communist leader’s fate. posed the question bluntly, giving bettors a chance to pick the month, or the day of the week, that Castro will die.

“We don’t want to profit on someone’s death. But Castro is unique,” said Christopher Bennett, media relations director for

No thanks. I will keep with sports betting, instead of betting on a human’s life.

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