
$40 Million for This

I’m sure some high paid execs at ABC and Disney are not very happy about this:

NFL Football (NBC) 15.1 23
9/11 (CBS, rerun) 8.2 12
Path to 9/11 (ABC) 8.2 12

(h/t ThinkProgress)

So the same amount of people turned to the true documentary of 9/11 that CBS ran as tuned into the ABC partisan hack of the tragedy, yet most Americans chose to stick with the tradition of football. I can’t help but think that some of the low ratings came from us in the blogosphere, who worked hard to make sure the message got out about how horrible this was. ABC and Disney also needs to note that this is just the start of it. They attacked 9/11 and the truth and we will fight back against those who want to do us harm.

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