
GOP Told Off – By Republicans!

The house that Rove and Mehlman built is crumbling hard:

Arizona Republicans in a crowded House primary denounced the national GOP Tuesday for taking sides in the race. “They’re idiots,” one candidate said.

The National Republican Congressional Committee last week backed a candidate in the primary, launching a $122,000 advertising campaign for state Rep. Steve Huffman. The party contends Huffman is a moderate candidate who could win the district in November.

On Tuesday, Huffman’s four GOP opponents took the unusual step of holding a joint news conference and delivering a message to the National Republican Congressional Committee.

“Stay the hell out of southern Arizona,” said Mike Hellon, one of the candidates and a former state party chairman, in an interview following the news conference.

And us in the blogosphere were attacked for simply backing Ned Lamont against Joe Lieberman. Of course the Republican noise machine serves its purpose – to keep attention off the sheer number of races that have internal strife. Not only in Arizona, but you also got a congressional race in Michigan, the Katherine Harris race and the Lincoln Chaffey race, and those are just off the top of my head. I wish Mike Hellon would have told them to stay the hell out of America’s politics, because that is where the most damage is done by the corruption that is called the GOP.

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