
So Let's Get This Straight


In the 90’s, the Republican leadership in Congress decided to engage in a witchhunt against Bill Clinton that last for months and cost taxpayers millions. The witchhunt was about sexual relations between two consenting adults. The Republicans now try to blame Clinton for 9/11 and say it was because he was distracted by the Lewinsky scandal – a scandal they created. To the Republicans this is all ok.

Now we fast forward 8 years and find out about Mark Foley. To make matters even worse, senior Republican members of the House have known of these allegations for almost a year. They have chosen to ignore them. They chose to allow Foley to continue to hold a seat of power as a United States Congressman and never questioned it.

This is beyond hypocrisy. This is down right sick and very possibly illegal. The Republicans have endangered CHILDREN in the name of politics. They chose to ignore the warnings and that is unacceptable. How would they feel if this was their children? The Republicans have acted as enablers in this and they need to answer to it.

Are we going to sit by and not only become a nation of torture, but also a nation of political officials who prey upon children? Fuck No!

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