
Michelle Malkin – The Wingnuts Crybaby!

Watch this video – go puke – then come back for my commentary.

This is a typical whine of the wingnuts out there. If you ban then from a site or delete something they say then you are infringing on their rights. This could be taken seriously if I could post a comment on Malkin’s blog that says something like “Republicans appease child molesters”. The fact of the matter is Malkin would delete it right away. Go to any right wing forum or blog out there and see how quickly they delete stuff. Go onto something like Sean Hannity’s forum and say something against the GOP agenda and see how quickly you are banned.

I admit I will delete comments that I feel are nasty attacks or inappropriate for my blog. The fact is that this is my right as a blog owner, just like it is the right of YouTube to delete content they do not find appropriate. The difference between me and them is that I don’t sit there and claim a jihad because it happened. I have had video deleted from YouTube before and I accepted it. They run the service, we get to use it for free. For that I am more than happy to abide by their terms. Malkin, and her merry band of America-hating wingnuts, fell everyone owes them. Perhaps she should back away from the computer for a minute and take a deep breath of reality. Nah – that might make her head explode (not that it wouldn’t be an improvement).

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