
So Who's Leaking To The Washinton Times?

The right wingers jump every time the word “classified” or “secret” is used as a source in a New York Times article. Well how about if the Washington Times uses the same terms?

Recent U.S. intelligence analyses of North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs were flawed and the lack of clarity on the issue hampered U.S. diplomatic efforts to avert the underground blast detected Sunday, according to Bush administration officials..

Some recent secret reports stated that Pyongyang did not have nuclear arms and until recently was bluffing about plans for a test, according to officials who have read the classified assessments.

The analyses in question included a National Intelligence Estimate a consensus report of all U.S. spy agencies produced several months ago and at least two other classified reports on North Korea produced by senior officials within the office of the Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte.

(emphasis mine)

So what’s the difference? Why isn’t Bush out calling the Washington Times traitors and his little pack of cult followers yelling for treason charges against the paper? Oh wait. This is the conservative Washington Times and the information could be looked at to help Bush. That makes it all better. Classified information is not the same when it comes to political save face – just ask Valerie Plame.

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