
Another Pelosi Sighting (But Still No Hastert Sightings)


House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi warned that a Republican victory Tuesday would prolong the U.S. involvement in Iraq another 10 years, as she embarked on a final push in a campaign that could make her speaker.

In an interview from her Capitol office, Pelosi characterized Tuesday’s vote as a referendum on the war, shrugged off President Bush’s efforts to make her liberalism a national issue, described the current GOP leadership as a “freak show,” and expressed confidence about her party’s prospects to pick up the 15 seats it needs for a majority.

“I know where the numbers are in these races, and I know that they are there for the 15; today (it’s) 22 to 26,” Pelosi said Friday.

Pelosi cautioned that the number of Democratic House victories could be higher or lower and said her greatest concern is over the integrity of the count — from the reliability of electronic voting machines to her worries that Republicans will try to manipulate the outcome.

“That is the only variable in this,” Pelosi said. “Will we have an honest count?”…read on

So while Pelosi is giving interviews, as well as campaigning, we still don’t know where Hastert is. The Washington Post hasn’t forgotten about our missing speaker:

House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert’s future is in doubt even if the Republicans retain control of the House because of unease among GOP lawmakers about his handling of the Foley page scandal and what a House ethics committee investigation might conclude about him, according to several Republican aides.

House Chief Deputy Whip Eric I. Cantor (R-Va.) said last week that the House Republican leadership elections scheduled for Nov. 15 should be postponed until the ethics committee delivers its final report. House Majority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) confirmed yesterday on “Fox News Sunday” that he and Hastert have discussed that possibility. “We’ll see how Tuesday goes and then we’ll make some decisions.” …read on

Perhaps Hastert is busy packing up his Speaker’s office. While a Democratic victory in the House tomorrow is all but certain, even more certain is that Hastert will be changing offices next term.

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