
More Loss Support For The Bush/Lieberman/McCain War

This from one of the strongest supporters of the war:

Sen. John Warner, the former GOP chairman and influential member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is set to introduce a second resolution Monday that expresses criticism of President Bush’s call for a troop increase in Iraq, a move Bush Administration officials have scrambled to avoid.

The resolution — also sponsored by Armed Services Committee members Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska — tones down some of the language used in a resolution introduced earlier by Sens. Carl Levin, D-Michigan, Joe Biden, D-Delaware, and Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska, sources involved with crafting the resolution tell CNN.

Warner — whose clout will likely influence several Republicans on the fence over Bush’s Iraq plan — has so far avoided saying whether he agrees or disagrees with the president’s plan, but is said to have been working behind the scenes for some time to build support for a compromise.

So who really wants this surge anymore?

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