
Because Smoking and Religious Freedom Are The Same


This is really ridiculous. The Hill gives us the latest from the Soap Opera called Capital Hill:

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) believes it is his right as a Muslim to be sworn into Congress with the Quran. But apparently, the freshman lawmaker doesn’t believe it’s Rep. Tom Tancredo’s (R-Colo.) right to smoke a cigar in his congressional office.

Ellison’s office called the Capitol Hill Police on Tancredo last Wednesday night as Tancredo was in his office smoking a cigar. The lawmakers have neighboring offices on the first floor of the Longworth House Office Building.

The opening paragraph really has me puzzled. As a smoker does that mean I can light up in a restraint if I see a family pray before eating? That is what’s being implied here. And since when does someone’s religion cause heart disease?

I believe the members of Congress should be held to the same standards as the workers of this country. In Ohio it is illegal to smoke in the work place. Since John Boehner is technically working for Ohio, then shouldn’t he be prevented from smoking in his office? I believe so.

Perhaps this will be a good time for Pelosi to extend her “no smoking” policy to include all government offices. After all – shouldn’t they lead by example?

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