
The New Definition of Lame

This is a clip from FOX’s new show, “The Half Hour News Hour”, their “competition” to The Daily Show:

Oh this is going to be a massive bomb. The first reviews are out and they are very un-raving. First from the TV Gal Blog on the Seattle PI

A few television series simply aren’t worth profound analysis. It could be that the odds of their survival look so incredibly low, and the creative effort that went into producing seems so shoddy, that the energy it would take to expend coming up with zingers describing its overall failure would be better spent doing something else. (In my case, I’d rather pack to leave town.)

OUCH! But there is more. Hal Boedeker of the Orlando Sentinel has his own take on the new show:

Jon Stewart knows how to do slashing comical commentary. He weighs in on what’s happening, such as the media’s bizarre coverage of Anna Nicole Smith’s death.

David Letterman knows how to do slashing comical commentary. He takes President Bush’s awkward speeches and contrasts them with the lasting words of John F. Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt.

Fox News Channel does not know how to do slashing comical commentary. The channel debuts “The 1/2 Hour News Hour” at 10 p.m. Sunday and repeats it at 10 p.m. Feb. 25. This show was meant to be a conservative version of “The Daily Show.” It is a botch.

(emphasis mine)

Well don’t take my word, or the word of these critics when it comes to FOX’s new show. This Sunday at 10pm est, you can draw your own conclusions. I intend to watch it. I mean everyone likes to see a good trainwreck!



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