
Edwards Campaign Goes Green

No I don’t mean the Green Party. Instead Edwards is working to have his campaign offset their carbon footprint during their travels:

As part of his efforts to combat global warming, Senator John Edwards announced today that he will make his campaign “carbon neutral.” Edwards believes global warming is one of the great challenges facing America and the world and that we can all take immediate action to decrease the amount of carbon we produce. By conserving energy and purchasing carbon offsets, the Edwards campaign will offset the carbon emitted by Edwards and his staff’s campaign travel, and the energy used in his campaign headquarters and field offices.

“Global warming is an emergency and we can’t wait until the next president is elected to take action,” said Edwards. “Each of us can take responsibility in small ways to make a big difference. I encourage all Americans to conserve energy in their own homes and workplaces and help fight global warming.”

This is the first sign that global warming will become a huge issue in the 2008 elections. When Edwards announced his run I quickly jumped behind him and said I would support him unless Gore decided to run. The same holds true today. When you consider the front runners in the Democratic race, Edwards is by far the best choice. He came out and denounced Gen. Pace’s anti-gay comments immediately, where as Hillary and Obama would not (and still haven’t). Edwards is committed to getting our troops out of Iraq – Hillary is not. Edwards has denounced his vote for the war – Obama wasn’t in Senate to vote on it but supported war hawk candidate Joe Lieberman, one of the people who voted for the filibuster in Senate last month.

Edwards is the right choice to run this country. He is on top of all the issues America is worried about. On health care Edwards already has made it very well known he wants a universal program. He did not try to lie or spin about it, but instead came out with the truth that it would require more taxes; something a majority of Americans support. Edwards also has a strong stance on poverty.

Of course in the climate of 24 hour news we see people like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama receiving the most attention. If Edwards had as much camera time as these two he would be much further ahead in the polls. We still have time to change that and help Edwards out.

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