
FOX Meltdown


Mediabistro has the official statement from FOX on the Nevada debate:

‘News organizations will want to think twice before getting involved in the Nevada Democratic Caucus which appears to be controlled by radical fringe out-of-state interest groups, not the Nevada Democratic Party. In the past, has said they ‘own’ the Democratic party — while most Democrats don’t agree with that, it’s clearly the case in Nevada’ — David Rhodes, VP

David Rhodes, in a single paragraph, has shown the exact reason why Democrats don’t want to associate with FOX news. He is taking the same path as Roger Ailes, who continued his attack on Barack Obama last night by calling him a “terrorist”.

At the same speech last night, Roger Ailes also showed how delusional he truly is:

This pressure must be resisted as it has been in the past. Any candidate for high office of either party who believes he can blacklist any news organization is making a terrible mistake about journalists. And any candidate of either party who cannot answer direct, simple, even tough questions from any journalist runs a real risk of losing the voters.

When FOX continually does partisan attacks against Democrats then why should Democrats even credit FOX as being a “news organization”? Sure Olbermann has become a spokesperson for the left, but MSNBC also has on numerous conservative shows. Now that is “fair and balanced”.

It is also very ironic that the same speech Ailes made this comment in is the very same speech that cost him the debate coverage because of his partisan attacks. I wonder if Roger has any clue yet as to why his ratings are on a downfall?

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