
Have We Forgotten?


All this flack over the Don Imus controversy has me thinking about something else. There is a darling of the right out there, one they want to be their President, that has been in the same boat very recently. Here is that person last month calling the 9th ward of New Orleans “uneducated”. Ironically the 9th ward is predominately black.

And then we had this just a couple of weeks ago, where the same person said associated Spanish and other foreign languages with being languages of the “ghetto”.

If Don Imus has to pay, then so does Newt Gingrich. This is one of the most racist men out there and people like Malkin and Coulter flock to him. They defend him at all costs and he has not paid nearly as much a Don Imus. Don Imus is a “shock jock”, Newt Gingrich is a potential for the leader of this country. Which one is more dangerous in a position of power?

This is one reason I have not commented much on the Imus controversy. If I can turn on Comedy Central and here a black comedian refer to me as a “cracker” without it being bleeped, then I believe Imus has every right to say what he did. The power between the two is essentially equal. When a person like Newt Gingrich says something like this, then we are on a whole new level. We must set our priorities straight here!

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