
Boehner Tells His True Concerns Of Iraq

Is it the troops? Nope. His true concern is that if Iraq don’t get better by September, it might hurt the Republicans in 2008. That is what he told Chris Wallace on FOX yesterday. Crooks and Liars has the video.

Another really interesting thing he said in the interview was we won’t know until then if the “surge” is working. This is the same man who stood before Congress in January and said we would know in 60-90 days if the “surge” is working. He talks about benchmarks, yet he just moved his own benchmark – moved it to a time they think is more convenient for their political future.

So there you got the Republican leader in the House saying they are more worried about their political lives than the actual lives of our soldiers. This message will echo through into 2008. Once we find someone to run against John (which we are actively working on here), I will make sure it echoes through on the campaign trail also.

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