
Was The FOX/GOP Debate A Propaganda Tool For The Terrorists?


Considering how FOX likes to ask questions like that, I decided to focus one at their debate, and in particular the section on torture. We heard such things as “I would call Jack Bauer” and other cute little comments all supporting torture. Of course the crowd at the GOP debate loved these responses and cheered for them.

Now let’s think about that. We have 3 soldiers currently missing in Iraq. Al Qaeda is believed to be holding them and this was going on during the debate. Now we got one of our front runners, Rudy Giuliani, along with a candidate and current member of Congress, Tom Tancredo, talking about torture and how we should engage in it. Even worse – they are doing it on television. I wonder if al Qaeda was watching FOX? Everytime the Democrats say something about pulling our troops out of Iraq, the Republicans quickly jump on the bandwagon of saying our enemies are watching. Well I got a feeling they would be much more interested in who the next leader of our country might be than what Congress is doing.

I pray that these soldiers are found safe, but if they have been tortured then Giuliani, Tancredo and the audience who applauded them needs to be held accountable. These actions may very well have provoked our missing soldiers captures to harm them. Maybe these two candidates should talk to General Petraeus about torture, or even other former military commanders.

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