
Time For Some Catch-Up


 I swear there are just not enough hours in the day, so let me do a quick catch up.

First we have the Senate Judiciary Committee issuing a subpoena to former Rove aide Sara Taylor, while the House Judiciary Committee is issuing one to Harriet Meirs. Regarding this matter, John Conyers said, “Let me be clear: this subpoena is not a request, it is a demand on behalf of the American people for the White House…to help us answer the questions that remain”.

Next up we find out that even with the “surge”, we still don’t have enough troops in Iraq and might need yet another surge. This came from Lt. Gen. Martin Dempsey as he was testifying before the House yesterday. Oh and let’s remember that this was yesterday, before our next item of:

In the early morning hours Sunni insurgents blew up the Askariya Shrine. This is the same shrine that was blown up last year and caused the sectarian violence to explode. Before al-Maliki could issue the new “indefinite curfews”, arsonists set fire to a Sunni mosque in western Baghdad. a Shiite shrine was blown up north of Baghdad and two Sunni mosques were bombed south of Baghdad.

To make matters even worse, al-Sadr and his bloc of 30 members suspended its membership in Iraq’s parliament. Yes al-Sadr is a bad guy, but now he is that much worse.

Hey John McCain – is this still like a stroll in any American town? What say you Joe Lieberman or Mike Pence?

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