
Bush Forcing Congress To Stay In Session

Because he doesn’t get what he wants:

President Bush said Friday that Congress must stay in session until it approves legislation modernizing a U.S. law governing eavesdropping on foreigners.

“So far the Democrats in Congress have not drafted a bill I can sign,” Bush said at FBI headquarters, where he was meeting with counterterror and homeland security officials. “We’ve worked hard and in good faith with the Democrats to find a solution, but we are not going to put our national security at risk. Time is short.”

The president said lawmakers cannot leave for their August recess this weekend as planned unless they “pass a bill that will give our intelligence community the tools they need to protect the United States.”

Bush has the authority under the Constitution to call Congress back into session once it has recessed or adjourned, but White House spokeswoman Dana Perrino said talk of him doing that is premature.

Sure Bush can keep Congress in session, but he can not demand what they do. Since he wants the debate on the warrantless wiretapping, I suggest Congress stay in session debating that – actually how Bush may have already broken the law. Then move on to impeachment.

Oh and let’s remember that according to the White House it is fine for Iraq’s parliament to take August off while our soldiers are dying, but our own Congress can’t so that Bush can violate the Constitution. Yeah – that sounds really fair.

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