
Still Think We Aren't Occupying Iraq?

Yup – we replaced Saddam with George Bush. One brutal dictator for another:

The US security firm Blackwater has resumed limited operations in the Iraqi capital Baghdad four days after a deadly shootout involving the company.

The company provides security to all US state department employees in Iraq.

It had been ordered by the Iraqi government too halt operations while a joint US-Iraqi inquiry was held.

A US embassy spokeswoman said the decision to allow Blackwater to resume work had been taken in consultation with the Iraqi government.

The spokeswoman, Mirembe Nantongo, said Blackwater operations would be limited to essential missions only outside Baghdad’s heavily-fortified Green Zone.

See – we don’t listen to the “sovereign” government of Iraq. Our dictatorship does whatever they feel in the country. Our contractors can kill innocent Iraqi civilians (which is the conclusion of one investigation), and our country says “so what”.

What I find interesting is the timing in all this. A lot of attention has been given to Ahmadinejad saying Bush should be tried as a war criminal. Well if people don’t like the Iranian leader saying that, then perhaps they should urge Bush to stop acting like one. And yes – the fault in this does lay on him. He is in charge of the government, and the buck does stop there. If he wanted to, he could order the State Department to comply with the demands of the Iraqi government.

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