
More On The Boehner Letter


One part of the email I received from John Boehner’s office has been eating at me all day:

Rush Limbaugh’s strong support of and charity for U.S. troops is well established and was even recognized by the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation. Unlike radical left-wing groups and their followers, Limbaugh’s goal is to boost troop morale, not depress it by stalling the resources troops need to complete their mission.

I am so sick of this “we are more patriot than you” crap. What resources have left-wing groups stalled or blocked from our troops? Was it protection against IEDs? No – that was the President and the Congress, which was controlled by Republicans at that time, of which Mr. Boehner was part of the leadership.

Is it diminishing each of the 3,700+ lives sacrificed in this war of lies as “a small price to pay”? No! Again – that was Mr. Boehner. The friends I have buried from this war were NOT small prices.

Perhaps it is time for us to play these word games. How about-

John Boehner; “I masturbate to pictures of dead soldiers”.

Sure he never said that, but the left has not tried to put our troops in harms way either. If Mr. Boehner wants to spread lies, then I will gladly play along.

Sadly though this is how the Iraq debate has come – a game of name calling and word twisting. Sticks and stones won’t break my bones, but war sure does fucking kill. Perhaps if Mr. Boehner ever served in a war he would notice that important fact.

Mr. Boehner has proven time and time again he doesn’t care about the troops. He wouldn’t push to get them gear they need. He dismissed their sacrifice as a “small price” and he continued to defend Rush Limbaugh after Rush called Jack Murtha a “phoney soldier”. Putting an American Flag on your lapel doesn’t make you patriotic – it makes you a fake. Mr. Boehner does not deserve to call himself an American, let alone a human. His only allegiance lies with one man. I’ll let you guess which house on Pennsylvania Avenue this person lives in.

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