
The Culture Of Corruption


Or as I like to call it, “Fucking Crooks!”. It looks like Mitch McConnell is more worried about his own finances than he is the country. Here is an interesting story that rings of Duke Cunningham:

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is pushing $25 million in earmarked federal funds for a British defense contractor that is under criminal investigation by the U.S. Justice Department and suspected by American diplomats of a “longstanding, widespread pattern of bribery allegations.”

McConnell tucked money for three weapons projects for BAE Systems into the defense appropriations bill, which the Senate approved Oct. 3. The Defense Department failed to include the money in its own budget request, which required McConnell to intercede, said BAE spokeswoman Susan Lenover.

BAE is based in Great Britain but has worldwide operations, including a Louisville facility that makes naval guns and employs 322. McConnell has taken at least $53,000 in campaign donations from BAE’s political action committees and employees since his 2002 re-election. United Defense Industries, which BAE purchased two years ago, pledged $500,000 to a political-science foundation the senator created, the McConnell Center at the University of Louisville.

Republicans say the biggest threat facing our nation is terrorism. WRONG! The biggest threat facing our nation is our screwed up election system. It is leading to widespread corruption and will be the downfall of the United States unless we act now to change it. Any politician selling their influence to the highest bidder should be treated the same as a traitor. That includes Republicans and Democrats.

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