
War With Iran Getting Closer?

With the new sanctions imposed today it just might be:

The Bush administration is imposing sweeping new sanctions against Iran’s defense ministry, its Revolutionary Guard Corps and a number of banks to punish them for purported support for terrorist organizations in Iraq and the Middle East, missile sales and nuclear activities, U.S. officials said Thursday.

The measures, to be announced by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, will cover some of the Iranian government’s largest military and financial institutions, which Washington blames for supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan, Shia insurgent groups in Iraq, along with the Hamas and Hezbollah organizations, they said.

Iran’s defense ministry and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps are to be designated proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile technology while several banks will be hit with sanctions for “proliferation financing,” the officials told reporters, speaking on condition of anonymity before the formal announcement.

The Quds force and banks will be identified as “specially designated global terrorist” groups for their activities and financing of militant groups in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East, the officials said.

Terrorism! WMD! Where have we heard all of this before? Oh yeah – exactly 5 years ago. It looks like we are on schedule for a March invasion. Perhaps that also explains why the Pentagon is citing an immediate need for new bunker buster bombs.

Let’s not forget about the sanctions Clinton imposed against Iran. There were some trying to get those limited. Does anyone remember who?

As CEO of Halliburton, Mr. Cheney lobbied the Clinton administration to ease sanctions on Libya and Iran, according to various news reports. “I think we’d be better off if we, in fact, backed off those sanctions [on Iran], didn’t try to impose secondary boycotts on companies .. trying to do business there,” Cheney told an Australian television interviewer in April 1998.3

Part of the reason for Cheney wanting the sanctions eased was so Halliburton could sell Iran nuclear components. So is this Iraq all over again? Absolutely.

This is the reason why impeachment should never be said to be “off the table”. Bush does not have authorization to go to war with Iran. Congress must declare that, but Bush don’t care. Is Nancy Pelosi going to sit by and let our nation get into another illegal war? The Democrats need to act on this now. They must send a stern message to Bush that he does not have authorization for war with Iran and if he attempts such an act then there will be impeachment hearings.

If they aren’t willing to do that then it is time for the draft. It is time for these war mongering politicians to have children fighting. And it is time for a big tax hike to support this killing. Let the fat cats on Capital Hill feel the pinch of another war and you can bet your ass it won’t happen. They have no problem sending our troops off to the slaughter, but if it is their own the story will change.

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