
3/4 Of This Country Thinks It Is Going In The Wrong Direction

That is an astonishing number from the latest ABC/WaPo poll. This country is fed up with how it is being run. I don’t give the Republicans the sole blame for this either. The Democrats have give their fair share of help to this low number. They came into power last year promising all this change, yet not much has happened. Instead we have stuck with the typical Washington style game of finger pointing.

Something else I found interesting in this poll was how people rank items of importance. First was Iraq, second was the economy and third was healthcare. These three items should lead Democrats to a sweep next November, but will they act on it? Hillary has been all over the radar on what she will do with Iraq, so people can’t be to certain she will do what’s right.

On healthcare, Hillary still wants the insurance companies to play a big role. This could work, but not without other reforms. The insurance industry spends millions a year in lobbying and they won’t hesitate to dump more money into that if they are facing tougher regulations. That could really hurt the Hillary-care program. Of course it is still better than the Republicans plan of giving the insurance companies even more control.

Basically I am getting the feeling from this poll that a lot of Americans will end up staying home next November. People are fed up, but they aren’t given a clear choice for change. Instead we might get some minor improvements, but most will stay the same. It is really looking like America is entering it’s dark ages here.

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