
Break Out The Tin Foil

From the land of coo-coo nut Michelle Malkin comes the latest left wing conspiracy – STEALIN HER MUSIC!!! Yeah – because we don’t want those wingnuts to have any entertainment:

The Left can’t stand conservative dominance of any segment of media, society, politics, or pop culture. Apparently, it really bugs them that the majority of country music stars and fans are right-leaning. Now, according to the Telegraph, BDS-infected entertainers are plotting to take back country:

Now that is funny!

What Malkin fails to remember is a little thing called being “DIxie Chicked”. It’s not that the left is upset that country music stars and fans are right-leaning (and actually it is probably more balanced than one would think), it’s the fact that the country music industry has tried to silence the voices of people who oppose Bush’s failed policy – even if it is a top group. Does rock and roll shun Ted Nugent? No – and if they did you can bet your sweet ass there would be a war fired up on the right.

Remember Toby Keith?

Malkin brings up this once darling of the war bloggers as a candidate for the left to use in their tour. Yeah – he was a god to them when he wrote that song supporting Afghanistan, but as soon as he said he was against Iraq then he became another terrorist. See – to the wingnuts everything must follow some sort of litmus test. How dare someone be different or express a different view than them! Robots – we should all be robots!

This is kind of like when Malkin just couldn’t get those “aborigines hopping around half-naked and waving leafy green things to ward off the Eeevils of Modernity” during the Live Earth concert. Don’t mind the fact that they were in Australia – their native land. That doesn’t matter once bit. Instead Malkin just don’t get it because they aren’t like her.

See what seperates us actual humans from the war mongering right is that we can think outside the box. I have seen Ted Nugent in concert twice. Will I again? Sure. Do I agree with his political views? Hell No! But the thing is that I can disagree with their views but still listen to their music. I don’t judge a person just because they support this policy or don’t support that one. I don’t agree with the views of Jon Voight, yet I think he is one hell of an actor and will watch any movie he is in.

Even Fred Thompson. I don’t like him politically and would never vote for the man, but I still like some of the roles he has played, especially in The Hunt for Red October. Wow and that was a movie starring Alec Baldwin. Damn a rightie and leftie did something together and they are still alive! Impossible in the hate filled mind of Malkin.

There is more to a person than just their views on a war. Malkin and her ilk don’t understand that though. Instead they choose to judge everyone and everything by their views of this war. Of course some of us on this side do to. My point is that I won’t judge a person solely on the fact that they support the Iraq war. I will judge them if they can sit there and keep pushing for this war, even during the highly failed strategy part, while pushing for more wars and all the while coming up with more excuses of why they can’t serve. They are armchair generals in the very sense of the phrase. They want the thrills of war through the eyes of those brave enough to serve. These are the people I strongly disagree with.

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