
Hey Bush! Where Does The Buck Stop?

I have had jobs in management and owned my own company, and if anyone blatantly defied something I said needed to be done, they would either be looking for a job or be reassigned to a lessor capacity. So why doesn’t the chief executive of this country follow such a simple business philosophy?

When news first came out about the waterboarding tapes being destroyed, we found out Harriet Miers even had the common sense to say no. The CIA ignored that and did it anyways. Now, in the very sense of checks and balances, we find out the CIA destroyed them despite court orders:

The Bush administration was under court order not to discard evidence of detainee torture and abuse months before the CIA destroyed videotapes that revealed some of its harshest interrogation tactics.

Normally, that would force the government to defend itself against obstruction allegations. But the CIA may have an out: its clandestine network of overseas prisons.

While judges focused on the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and tried to guarantee that any evidence of detainee abuse would be preserved, the CIA was performing its toughest questioning half a world away. And by the time President Bush publicly acknowledged the secret prison system, interrogation videotapes of two terrorism suspects had been destroyed.

Now I know the Democrats are scared of being labeled “weak on terrorism” if they go after Bush or his bumbling band of Keystone Kops to harshly. To quote the great philosopher Kermit the Frog; “it isn’t easy being green”. I understand that, so I want to offer a new tactic. Any person or organizations trying to undermine and destroy the basic foundations of our nation, like three equal branches of government and checks and balances, must be classified a terrorist. This includes George Bush, Dick Cheney and anyone who follows their illegal orders like little puppets.

Tell the people you are protecting us from a terrorist organization that is far more dangerous than al Qaeda – a terrorist organization that is trying to destroy the very fabric of our freedom. After 9/11 Bush said they attacked us “because they hate our freedoms”. Well his illegal stripping of those freedoms should be considered an attempt to aide our ally. That in itself is treason. Tell George Bush him and his Justice Department has had numerous chances to prove they stand for the United States in investigating their countless scandals, but instead have let the American people down. The entire Bush regime must be declared a terrorist organization and Congress must pursue that organization with utmost vigilance.

I’m not scared of terrorists hiding in caves wanting to hurt us, I am terrified of a rogue administration who wants nothing more than to dismantle our country and everything it once stood for. An administration lead by a person whose very own grandfather wanted to see this country destroyed and helped the Nazis rise to power. The Republicans said Clinton’s administration ignored the threat of terrorism and that lead to 9/11. Well we are now ignoring this new threat of terrorism and the consequences of that would be far greater than 10,000 9/11s.

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