
A Final Thought On Last Night's Debate


A lot of people are praising Obama for how he handled the pressure last night from Clinton. I was thinking the same thing at first, but then I got thinking long term. Would Obama’s unity message cut it against a Republican contender? I doubt it.

I had bits and pieces gong through my head as I was trying to go to sleep and one really stuck out. Obama got on Clinton and Edwards saying that he picks out one vote out of thousands to pick on. Edwards had the best come back on that when he told Obama that he was doing the same thing – a reference to the Iraq war votes.

If Obama wants to face off against Republicans then he is going to have to learn to go for the jugular, because that is exactly what they will do to him. Also he can’t expect to go after the Republican candidate full force and try to sing Kumbaya when they return fire.

If they thought it was bad because a Clinton supporter made an obscure reference to Obama’s past drug use, then how are they going to react when a Republican makes it a front issue in the primary?

I’m still an Edwards supporter, but if it comes down to a choice between Obama and Clinton then I will have to choose Clinton. She showed that she is willing to take the gloves off and go to bat for what she wants. That’s something we will need in the primary and in the White House.

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