
American Woman Kidnapped In Afghanistan


In the war George Bush forgot about:

Gunmen kidnapped a burqa-clad American aid worker and her driver while they were traveling through southern Afghanistan early Saturday, a provincial governor said.

The two were stopped by gunmen outside the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, said Gov. Asadullah Khalid. He blamed the kidnappings on the “enemy of Islam and the enemy of Afghanistan.”

Speaking of Afghanistan, Martha Raddatz of ABC News was on Bill Maher last night. She just returned from Afghanistan yesterday and was talking about how bad it is getting there. Something else interesting she was saying is how the NATO troops are very limited on where they can go in the country. While Republicans are out there blasting NATO and accusing them of incompetence, it seems that they are having the same problems that we did “pre-surge” in Iraq – being limited by the local government.

The interesting part is that you don’t hear much about this in the MSM. They try to say the country has “war fatigue”. I’m sorry but I don’t think Americans have stopped caring about our young soldiers dying. It sounds more like the medias ADD has kicked in again.

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