
Bob Franken Gets It Wrong

Bob Franken has written an article blasting the NV judge who said Dennis Kucinich could appear in the NBC debate:

The Nevada judge who ruled that NBC must include Dennis Kucinich in the Tuesday night debate not only needs to go back to law school, he needs a refresher course in high school civics.

Happily, the state Supreme Court stepped in and overturned him. But it shouldn’t have been necessary.

Whether you like the media or not, particularly the aforementioned MSM, one of our fundamental principles is that government does not dictate how it covers the news.

Yes that is true Bob, but listen to the reason the judge made the order:

He said the reason he was making his ruling was because NBC invited Kucinich one day and then uninvited him the next. The judge didn’t take kindly to that sudden flip-flop. In essences it was a “gentleman’s agreement” that NBC had made with Kucinich in inviting him and then renegged on the next. That is why the judge ruled the way he did – not to squash the first amendment.

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