
From The Home Of "No Child Left Behind"

Yes I am lucky. I live about 1.5 miles from the school where Bush signed No Child Left Behind into law. So how is this area’s children doing?

Poverty levels are down in Hamilton and Middletown, but figures across the rest of Butler County are not as promising, according to data released Wednesday.

The U.S. Census Bureau released its 2005 estimates for the number of poverty-stricken students. Although Hamilton and Middletown still have more than 20 percent of their student populations living in poverty, they did see a decrease from 2004. Numbers in the county’s other seven districts all went up.

Yup the economy here in southwestern Ohio is crap. It seems like we hear news of another business leaving the area on a weekly basis. Of course we have a congressional representative who doesn’t care about his district – right Mr. Boehner?

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