
Global Warming – Ignored By The Media

This is a stunning fact Salon has posted:

[…]The League of Conservation Voters analyzed transcripts of TV interviews and debates with the Democratic and Republican candidates. The interviews were conducted by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, MSNBC’s Tim Russert, Fox News’ Chris Wallace and CBS’s Bob Schieffer. As of Jan. 25, these five prime-time journalists had conducted 171 interviews with the candidates. Of the 2,975 questions they asked them, only six mentioned the words “climate change” or “global warming.” To put that in perspective: three questions mentioned UFOs.

So out of 2,975 questions global warming only gets 6? UFO’s almost matched that with 3! This is a crime in itself. Americans are worried about the environment and want to hear solutions, but the media is more worried trying to get that 15 second clip that might spark controversy.

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