
McCain Will Speak At CPAC


Robert Novak has a column today questioning McCain’s conservative credentials. Nothing shocking there – all the neo-cons are doing the same, but something did catch my eye:

McCain as the Republican nominee would need those “very conservative” voters. He will encounter some of them at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington Feb. 7-9. His campaign asked yesterday for McCain to be able to speak there after rejecting an invitation to last year’s meeting. At CPAC, he might well consider providing “straight talk” about Samuel Alito and promising to veto any tax increase passed by a Democratic Congress.

So last year he didn’t want anything to do with them, but this year he wants in? Either he plans on using them to gain some support, or he really hopes to see Ann Coulter there making more “fag” jokes. If I do the super secret, gay hating, war mongering handshake can I get in too?

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