
More On That Media Race Thing

So we been hearing how so many went for uncommitted in Michigan and how that was because of Hillary and Obama’s race issue. Well I been tearing through the CNN exit polls and found one very interesting point.

When did you decide who to vote for?
In the last week – 25%
Before that – 74%

Now I can hear other outlets saying their exit polling showed a different story, so I will stick with CNN on this one. Here is what CNN reported earlier today:

Even so, roughly 70 percent of Michigan’s African-American voters — a group that makes up a quarter of Michigan’s Democratic electorate — did not cast their votes for Clinton, choosing the “uncommitted” option instead. Yet these voters weren’t uncommitted at all: in fact, according to CNN exit polls, they overwhelmingly favored Barack Obama, whose name did not appear on the ballot.

They have been trying to make it look like the African-American voter block switched to Obama because of the race thing. This has been the hot issue on the stations all day. The problem is that the same exit poll they are basing this off of is the same poll that shows 3/4 of the people decided before the race thing started. Now if this column was broken down further by race (white who decided when, black who decided when), then they may have something to go on, but you can’t use one part of your own exit poll as a shining example while ignoring another part that defeats that argument.

Now I know what people might think right away; “well 1/4 decided in the last week and 1/4 makes up the African-American voter block”, but that isn’t how it works either, but further proof is broken down in the numbers. 51% who voted for Clinton decided in the last week, as opposed to 59% before that. Likewise only 38% of the undecided picked their vote in the last week and 38% before that. So more people switched to Clinton in the last week then did to undecided.

So there isn’t really a race issue here. The issue is that the MSM is trying to make race an issue and that should insult any American.

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