
Tweety's Dumb Excuse

Here’s Chris’ defense for his comment against Hillary:

Matthews said his comments referred to the late 1990s, when Clinton made some appearances to support New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and impressed pols with her grace under pressure during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Shortly thereafter, she was asked to run for the Senate from New York.

He’s surprised more people — particularly the women on “The View” — don’t remember that as the birth of her political career.

They don’t remember it? Perhaps there is a reason for that. Maybe people think the birth of her political career was long before that – being a very proactive first lady.

Matthews exemplifies the “inside the beltway” mentality. Simply because he thinks that is the “birth of her political career”, doesn’t make it so. It’s an altered reality that he has created and his viewers are supposed to accept. Well Chris we don’t! We commend Hillary on her accomplishments as a first lady and feel that was the birth of her political career.

Chris’ very defense also stinks of sexism. In his little reality a women whose husband has done something wrong should go into hiding and cower. That is exactly what he is saying – if your husband screws around on you then your life is over.

It is time for Tweety to go and time for MSNBC to listen to their viewers. It’s time to tell MSNBC that Matthews has had long enough to correct his seriously flawed statement. Instead hs continues to prove his lack of respect for women. He needs to suffer the same way Imus has.

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