
Whisper Campaigns


Check this out from last night’s debate and listen for the little whisper of “raise taxes”.

Cesca sez:

It’s either a spooky electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) of Reagan himself, or The Romney Unit was receiving answers from an advisor. Listen for the whisper, “Raise taxes.”

Amato thinks “it’s very curious indeed”. and Schecter is wondering if Mitt was getting prompts. Even Andrew Sullivan was wondering “what the hell that was”.

MSNBC has responded to Raw Story with a simple one line email:

“We had some audio issues and Gov. Romney’s mike wasn’t working momentarily. Simple as that,” MSNBC VP for Communications Jeremy Gaines said in a one-line e-mail response to questions about overheard whisper.

So how does problems with Romeny’s microphone make voices suddenly pop up? His lips weren’t moving. Was his microphone some super cool mind reading device?

If you watch it again you will notice his ear is towards the microphone when you hear it then he turns his head. Perhaps we need to call in Mulder and Scully for this one.

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