
Clinton's Out For Blood


We all agreed that Shuster needed to be suspended for his comment, but that doesn’t appear to be enough for Hillary – she wants more:

“Nothing justifies the kind of debasing language that David Shuster used and no temporary suspension or half-hearted apology is sufficient,” Clinton wrote to NBC News President Steve Capus, who apparently had already called Clinton to personally apologize.

Like I said, Shuster’s comments were inappropriate and he deserved to be suspended, but damn it sure sounds like Hillary wants him fired now. This will give the Republicans some good ammo to use if Hillary becomes the nominee. I can hear it now; “wow I am glad a world leader didn’t say that, we would be in world war 3”.

Also – why hasn’t Clinton demanded such action when O’Reilly insults our homeless veterans? Don’t they deserve as much attention as Chelsea?

This is all now becoming an attention game. Hillary is preparing for a bad month, so she wants to get as much traction from this as possible.

As an undecided Democratic voter, this hasn’t pushed me to vote for Obama. What it has done is push me further from punching the ballot for Clinton.

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