
So If There Is Nothing To This McCain Story?

Then why did McCain go out and hire a big wig D.C. attorney? Remember this was back in December when McCain’s campaign was in financial turmoil. Shouldn’t the “Straight Talk Express” have been able to straight talk their way right out of this?

Something else on this subject is the new meme people like Tucker Carlson are putting out there. That is this line that “I thought we were past this kind of stuff”. They are talking about sex in politics. We really started hearing this line during the Larry Craig scandal and it is getting echoed today. Was there some big truce I missed? A couple of weeks ago Tucker was laughing at the line: What will Bill Clinton do with all this time on his hands? Of course they were talking about Bill being the “First Man”.

So it was fine to impeach a President over an affair and still twist the facts of it being some sort of “rape” (like Ann Coulter does), but we can’t talk about it when it happens to the “party of morality”. The Republicans built up these high standards and they damn sure better live by them, or learn to accept the consequences when they are exposed as the hypocrites they are.

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