
The Firewall Continues To Fail

Rasmussen has a new poll out for Ohio and Hillary’s lead has slipped to only 5% now. It looks like NAFTA is a key player in the decisions, which are hurting Hillary:

By a 53% to 14% margin, voters believe that Obama opposes NAFTA while there are mixed perceptions on where Clinton stands. Thirty-five percent (35%) believe she favors NAFTA, 31% believe she opposes it and 34% are not sure. This issue is critical in a state that has lost thousands of manufacturing jobs. Politically, these lower-income voters have generally supportive of Clinton throughout the primary season.

I can attest to this being a big issue in Ohio. This state has taken a serious hit from NAFTA. Jobs have left this state at a record pace, and if Obama continues to show how Hillary supported NAFTA then she can count on losing this state.

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