
Welcome To Camp 7

What is camp 7? The AP has uncovered that:

Somewhere amid the cactus-studded hills on this sprawling Navy base,
separate from the cells where hundreds of men suspected of links to
al-Qaida and the Taliban have been locked up for years, is a place even
more closely guarded — a jailhouse so protected that its very location
is top secret.

For the first time, the top commander of detention operations at
Guantanamo has confirmed the existence of the mysterious Camp 7. In an
interview with The Associated Press, Rear Adm. Mark Buzby also provided
a few details about the maximum-security lockup.

Guantanamo commanders said Camp 7 is for key alleged al-Qaida
members, who must be kept apart from other prisoners to prevent them
from retaliating against long-term detainees who have talked to
interrogators. They also want the location kept secret for fear of
terrorist attack.

Yes so we have Gitmo, and then we have the super-secret Gitmo. I bet the people in Camp 7 dream of days of only facing water boarding.

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