
Who Should Hillary Blame?

Josh points to Mark Penn:

Clinton is ultimately responsible for putting her political fate in this fool’s hands. But this is a guy who has basically one big political win under his belt and whose record in seriously contested races, particularly Democratic primary races is one of almost constant defeats. Much of Clinton’s current predicament stems from Penn’s disastrous, glass-jaw ‘inevitability’ strategy and the mind-boggling decision not even to contest a slew of states where Obama racked up huge victories and many delegates.

Campaigns are about winning votes not making excuses. There are plenty of delegates still out there for Clinton to win — over a thousand left in the remaining primaries. But her efforts are being stymied by a campaign apparatus rooted in the belief that any new reality can be overturned by pretending it away.

Penn is a total joke. The fact that Hillary keeps him around gives me an eerie reminder of George W. Bush. No matter how poorly people like Rove and Rumsfeld did, Bush held onto them much longer than he should of. Does Hillary really want to look like a Bush when it comes to this bullshit “loyalty” approach? I am sure Mark Penn thinks she should.

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