
Letters Not Linked To Times Square Bombing


Yesterday the wingnuts were quick to pin the blame of the Times Square bombing on the “anti-war left”. Now news comes out that the “anti-war” letters received by members of Congress yesterday was not connected to the bombing:

There’s apparently no link between the bombing of an military recruiting station in New York’s Times Square and letters sent to Congress saying “We did it,” law enforcement officials said Friday.

The lengthy anti-war letters – which arrived with photos of a man standing in front of the recruiting office before it was damaged – contained no threats and were sent to as many as 100 members of Congress, officials said.

Laura Eimiller, an FBI spokeswoman in Los Angeles, said an individual was questioned there about the letters to Congress and “there is no evidence linking the letters, which contained no threat, to the bombing.

I have a couple of thoughts on this. First, what are the odds that this is some right wing whacko trying to make the Democrats look bad? We already have the case of one whack job sending fake anthrax letters to people on the left, and that person was basically coddled by people like Malkin.

Something else I have been thinking about since this news broke 24 hours ago. No one is calling it terrorism yet. In Iraq they release who did a bombing, and in some cases their medical health, within hours of a bombing. So in a country like Iraq they can quickly identify people, yet here, with all our eavesdropping, we have no idea?

I got a feeling their is a fear in calling this an act of terrorism. It will look bad on Bush and everything he has claimed about 9/11. Let’s look at the definition of terrorism:

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

That seems to follow suit with what happened yesterday. Their target alone proves that. Of course to call it terrorism would mean the wingnuts can not go out and say “we haven’t had an attack since 9/11”, something you can bet they are planning (even though we have had attacks).

So one of the basis of terrorism is for political reasons. Would ignoring acts of terrorism for political reasons also qualify?

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