
McCain "More Hawkish" Than Bush

Not my words, but the words of Bloomberg news:

McCain More Hawkish Than Bush on Russia, China, Iraq

And that thought should send cold shivers down your spine. Hell you should wake up in a cold sweat, screaming in the middle of the night. Just check this out:

John McCain is at least as determined as George W. Bush to stay the course in Iraq and more confrontational than the president on foreign policy issues ranging from Russia and China to North Korea.

The perception that McCain is less bellicose than the administration is belied by his own positions. He’s skeptical about Bush’s plan to provide nuclear fuel to North Korea. He has signaled he would be tougher on China. And he called Russia’s elections “rigged” even as Bush said he wanted a “close” relationship with the president-elect.

“On Russia and China, he is clearly more hawkish than Bush,” said Ken Weinstein, chief executive officer of the Hudson Institute, a research group in Washington.

Do we really want someone pushing Russia, China and North Korea to the limit? There is a new simple rule of foreign policy – if you piss one of those three off, you piss them all off. China and Russia have already been doing join military maneuvers, just to show they are huge now, all while our military is stretched to the limit.

John McCain should be considered a threat to the security of this country. Every war leaves us more vulnerable, as well as more resented – and he will bring us more wars.

We really need our nomination to get sewn up so we can focus on educating the public about McCain. Hopefully the blogosphere will start focusing more on him.

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