
McCain's Day Of Rejection

Now that McCain has rejected the support of two big televangelists, where does it leave him? I have a couple thoughts on it.

First off, it takes Jeremiah Wright off the table. If McCain starts using that, then does he really want the Obama campaign and their vast resources making sure the entire population know exactly what Hagee has said about the Jewish and Catholic people? “God Damn America” sure sounds a lot better than “Hitler was God’s hunter”.

Second – McCain needs to answer why he waited so long to reject the support of these two pastors he actively courted. Just saying he rejects them now isn’t good enough. Why the change of heart? He has been questioned about the two for months and asked about these things they have said. Did McCain reject it now that “the cat’s out of the bag”? We saw the whole Obama/Wright thing play out before our eyes. The McCain pastor problem hasn’t.

Finally – how is the right wing base going to respond to this? A lot of them share the views of Parsley and Hagee, so will McCain take a big hit from this? I sure hope so, and it’s going to be interesting to see how the McCain campaign tries to handle the damage control for this.

One last thing – will the media keep playing this over and over again? Even after Obama rejected Wright, it was still all the talk for the following week. In the interest of fair time, McCain should get the same amount of attention on the issue. I know the McCain camp won’t be pushing for fair time on it, but I will dammit!

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