
Obama Is Not The Presumptive Nominee

As much as I wish he was, he is not. The media seems to not understand that though. They keep going on about “if Obama looses Kentucky”. So? There is still a race going on. Neither candidate has reached the magic number to become presumptive nominee yet.

Yes Obama will be the nominee.

Yes Hillary doesn’t have a chance to catch up with him.

But people know there is still a race going on. Some people are still hoping Hillary can pull off a miracle (sorry it won’t happen). The media has this notion though that they declare the nominee of a party and all America should bow down to their infinite wisdom. Sorry but that’s not how democracy works. Thankfully enough Americans do know that and still go out and engage in democracy. If they listened to the media then McCain wouldn’t be the GOP presumptive nominee and Hillary would have been declared victor before the primaries even started.

So Fox, MSNBC and CNN, get over yourselves. You are not the king makers, we the people are. You do not dictate democracy, you report on it, and right now you are doing a piss poor job of doing that.

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