
Screw The Veterans!


Again some more loving from Bush for our vets:

A top White House official weighed in Thursday with renewed veto threats against rival House and Senate Iraq funding bills, saying add-ons for veterans and the unemployed were unacceptable.

Most significantly, Jim Nussle, director of the White House budget office, said that a plan by House Democrats to add unrelated legislation at a cost that could reach $51 billion over the next decade, would provoke a veto even though they are popular politically. The items he cited include extending unemployment benefits, at a cost of $16 billion over two years, and boosting education benefits under the GI Bill.

I would love to see Congress muster up enough votes to overturn the veto. Will the Republicans stand up for the veterans, or will they give them the proverbially “fuck you” that George Bush extends to them?

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